Public Procurement

Government contracts are an opportunity for commercial, corporate, and labor development.

The Firm offers highly qualified counseling in this area, as it is integrated with professionals who have gained great experience in public contracts and have advised the Uruguayan State in the performance of numerous and important infrastructure works, as well as in the competitive tendering field. 

In this context, we assist our clients in public procurement procedures in Uruguay and various Latin American countries, through these services, among others:

  • Identification of projects in the economic area of interest
  • Creation of partnerships with local actors and agreements’ drafting
  • Counseling in the making of the technical and economic offer
  • Assistance during contract formation and performance
  • Professional guidance in private initiative projects (Ley N° 17.555)
  • Legal advice in public-private partnership projects (Ley N° 18.766)
  • Legal assistance in litigation stages